Business Directory
Historic St. Mary’s Church

stablished in 1741, this beautiful church stands as a symbol of the vitality and dedication of Catholic life in Lancaster.

For over two and a half centuries this church has stood as a house of prayer where we feel welcome and at home. Established in 1741, this beautiful church stands as a symbol of the vitality and dedication of Catholic life in Lancaster. We have the distinguished honor of being the fourth oldest Catholic Church in the original thirteen colonies and the added blessing of Mary, the Blessed Virgin of the Assumption, as our patroness. In addition, our church was granted a special spiritual bond with the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome on February 5, 2009, and with it comes the privilege of a Plenary Indulgence for each member of the faithful who makes a pilgrimage to the church under certain prescribed conditions.

Look beyond the beautiful sacramental signs of handcrafted marble statuary, stained glass windows and carved altars, and you will see a special mosaic…not of sculptures or paintings, but a mosaic of people from different cultures, economic backgrounds, and ages all gathering together to pray and serve the Lord.

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LCBC Church

LCBC is a place where people come together to journey with God in six locations with multiple gatherings.