October 16, 2017Meet the Artist: Jenny Germann

On Thursday, October 26, 2017, the Governor’s Awards for the Arts in Pennsylvania will be held in Lancaster City. It is a great honor to be chosen to host the awards, and in celebration, the Lancaster arts community has rallied together to put on a week of events. Leading up to the week, we’ll be highlighting a handful of amazing individuals that make up the Lancaster arts community. Today we’re chatting with local artist Jenny Germann.
How are you involved with the 2017 Governor’s Awards for the Arts?
I’m did a piece for Sunshine Art & Design’s “Untitled,” and I will be a guest concierge for the Phonotel Grand Reopening at Modern Art on Oct. 21st from 10 am – 2 pm.
What made you pursue art?
I just love it. There was never really a question. I never knew what capacity I would pursue it in, but it was the thing that made me the happiest. Growing up, anytime I could get my hands on a project I was getting my hands dirty.
Are you from Lancaster?
I’m not. My husband and I both have art degrees from the University of Kansas where we met. My parents moved here while I was in college, and we moved here for about a year to save up some money to see what we were going to do with our art degrees. Then, we just sort of fell in love with the city. We’ve been here almost ten years now.
Tell me about a current project:
I do wood burned paintings. I just finished a show over at Red Raven in May, so that was a pretty consuming project. Now, I’m thinking about what my next show theme will be and what direction I want to go. The other creative project that I’m working on is renovating my house. That has been an on-going collaboration between my husband and I.
You can see some of my other work on my website, www.jennygermann.com.
What do you love about Lancaster / the Lancaster community?
I love the creativity. I was so excited about the Governor’s Awards and to see what comes out of it. We are fortunate to surround ourselves with so many creative and wonderful people. It just means that so many interesting things are happening. We get to try new things and be inspired by different facets of our city, our beautiful Lancaster.
As the art scene in Lancaster continues to grow, what do you think lies ahead for art in Lancaster?
Perhaps more of the same. Right now, it feels like there are new things popping up all over the place and I hope that continues. I hope younger artists feel more empowered to put their work and goals out there and really bring something to the city.
Are you apart of any local organizations or groups?
I am part of the Red Raven Collective group of artists, a member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen, the Yellow Breaches Guild of Craftsmen, and the League of Women Voters of Lancaster County.
In what ways do you see art and community intersect in Lancaster?
Art, I think, engenders community. Having a place that you can go and just see people and see innovative works that create conversation. I think that’s a creation of community.
Do you have any hobbies?
I have too many hobbies! I always wanted to learn to knit, which I recently did. I never allowed myself to learn because I have so many other hobbies. I really like to carve. I carve spoons and knives, usually I like to give them as gifts.
For more information about the 2017 Governor’s Awards for the Arts in Pennsylvania, go to www.pagovartslanc.com.