January 18, 2024The Lancaster Museum of Art: Honoring Local Artists

The Lancaster Museum of Art is a prominent symbol of local artists within the Lancaster area. The museum is housed in the Grubb Mansion on 135 N. Lime Street, a historic landmark in Musser Park.
Furthermore, the property that the Lancaster Museum of Art exists in has a longstanding history. Clemente Brooke Grubb purchased the property in 1845, and it remains an architectural masterpiece – emulating the interior of many mansions in Philadelphia and Baltimore. The Grubb family committed themselves to supporting local artists and owned many paintings spanning from Lancaster to the Greater Philadelphia area.
Originally, The Lancaster Museum of Art was known as the Goethean Gallery, situated on Franklin and Marshall’s campus. Later, it relocated and became the Community Gallery of Lancaster County. Now, the Grubb Mansion serves as the Lancaster Museum of Art – continuing to honor local artists.
Moreover, if you express interest in supporting local artists, check out the Lancaster Museum of Art’s latest art displays! The first floor of the Museum houses The Visions from the World of Ron Ettelman, exhibiting Ettelman’s transformation of ordinary objects into “playful, satirical, and provocative works”.

Additionally, on the second floor, you’ll find the Rising Artist Spotlight Featuring Aubrey Maurer and Callie Morton, showcasing two recent graduates from the Pennsylvania College of Art.

Both exhibits will be open from January 13th to February 25th, 10 AM to 4 PM. To learn more about the upcoming exhibitions, click here.
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