Wacker Brewing Company

Wacker Brewing Company, a brewery in Lancaster Pennsylvania. We produce high quality Kolsch and Dunkelweizen. Back in business after a six decade hiatus!
In 1870, Joseph Wacker bought the Eagle Brewery, which had been established in 1853 and stood at the corner of Water and West Walnut Streets. Thus began what would eventually become one of the four biggest breweries in Lancaster County.
In the lead up to Prohibition, Lancaster city was known as the “Munich of the United States.” During this time, the Wacker “Little Dutch” and “Old Bohemian” beers became synonymous with quality, local brew. Of the Big Four city breweries to go into Prohibition, Wacker was the only one to emerge with the upgraded facilities necessary to compete in the post-Prohibition and World War II brewing landscape. But the shift to television advertising and changes in drinking habits had altered the brewing industry drastically, and no longer able to compete with the huge breweries in St. Louis and Milwaukee, Wacker Brewing Company closed in 1956. When the last of the beer in storage tanks was drained into the sewer, a unique chapter in Lancaster County’s history came to a close.
In 2014, Wacker Brewing Company was brought back to life by the great grandson of one of the original brewery’s workers and we are committed to providing the same high quality product and service that the Wacker name symbolized! We’re focused on perfecting our craft and supplying Lancaster County with an amazing kolsch and dunkelweizen that have to be tasted to be believed. Stop by the brewery to get a growler fill or drop in to one of the local establishments serving our beer on tap. We’re eager to hear what you think; after all, Wacker is “the beer you always loved!”.